The development of our new BRI Research Winery at the Marlborough Research Centre is based on a vision of an integrated national hub for viticulture and oenology. The first phase has seen us operate the Research Winery out of temporary premises, in true collaboration with the Nelson-Marlborough Institute of Technology (NMIT) and Plant and Food Research (PFR).

MJ Loza (BRI), Will Kerner (BRI), Vilma Martikainen (NMIT), Tracy Benge (BRI), Claire Grose (PFR), Jacqui Wood (BRI)
We couldn’t have achieved this without the partnership of some amazing people and organisations who have shared our vision for world-leading research from grape to glass. We owe a big ‘thank you’ to our partners on this project who have contributed their time and expertise and have made this exciting tank design a reality.
‘Tanks a lot’ to the BRI Research Winery project team:
- Tracy Benge (Establishment Manager, BRI)
- Will Kerner (Research Programme Manager, BRI)
- Matias Kinzurik (Research Programme Manager, BRI)
- Andy Frost (Pernod Ricard)
- Heath Stafford (Indevin Wines)
- Marcus Wright (Lawsons Dry Hills)
- Claire Grose and Damian Martin (Plant and Food Research)
- Peter Mann (ProMann Consulting)
- Carl Butler and Crichton Purdie (Crown Sheet Metal)
- The teams at Hydramech and Martella
- David Gill (VinWizard)
- The research winemaking teams at UC Davis and E&J Gallo, California
Tune in to the next blog for the exciting arrival of the first grapes…..