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We are excited to say that last week the BRI Research Winery was registered with the New Zealand Green Building Council (NZGBC). Planning and construction are well under way to achieve our vision of a sustainably built 5-star rated building. Once certified, it will be the first building in Marlborough to be built to this standard, second only in the top of the south. 

A 5star rating requires the building to adhere to certain sustainability and environmental standards. The research winery design was rated under; building managementinternal environmental quality, energy, transport, water, materials, lanuse & ecology, emissions and innovation. 

A logo featuring the words "green star" in lowercase, a large number "5" overlaid with the letters "NZ" and smaller letters above. The design uses green, white, and gray colors. The word "DESIGN" is at the bottom.
NZ Green Building Council, 5-star Green Star rating.  

The Green Star rating will be followed by a sustainability management plan (SMP), to be implemented once the research winery is operational. This will incorporate base line monitoring of resource consumption and allow us to build a model of continuous improvement, so that we have a program of ongoing sustainability initiatives.