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A selection of the latest industry research will be shared at the upcoming Grape Days events around the country in Marlborough (18 July), Hawke’s Bay (20 July) and Central Otago (26 July).

Now in its 15th year, the one-day technical events provide high-level overviews of the latest industry research. This year’s theme is Accounting for our Future and the events have been tailored to address each region’s challenges, with a focus on helping members apply the findings.

The thought-provoking programme has 30 industry experts and leaders across three events sharing their knowledge and experiences. Take a look at some of the topics they will cover:

Making the numbers work on the vineyard

The cost of producing wine in New Zealand is continually rising, while harvest yields and bottle prices remain largely static. Hear about high-performing vineyards from the Vineyard Monitoring Programme, and the expected wine sector cost escalation to 2027 to inform your financial planning.

Reducing carbon emissions

The industry has a goal of being carbon neutral by 2050, with exciting developments in vineyards and in wineries already well underway. Our speakers will discuss their approaches to a low-emissions pathway and hopefully inspire you to take small steps towards making a big difference.

Cyclone recovery and lessons learned

Cyclone Gabrielle caused widespread devastation to the East Coast region and the winegrowing industry. Presentations will cover lessons learned from an industry perspective, and in Hawke’s Bay, dealing with silt, debris, and vineyard recovery. There will also be a session on dealing with the trauma of natural disasters.

Wise water use and freshwater farm plans

Making sure every drop counts and minimising our impact on water quality is key to ensuring the industry’s water supply remains both secure and clean for the future. Our speakers will cover the new regulations requiring all vineyards over 5ha to develop a freshwater farm plan, and how to design and operate efficient irrigation.

Vineyard software and what is APPropriate

There are a multitude of current apps, software, and technologies available to vineyards. Local young viticulturists will give guidance on how to choose the right technology to meet your business goals and what is fit for purpose.


The events include morning tea, lunch and networking with wine and cheese to finish. Pre-purchased tickets are available until 16 July for $47.50. After this date, they will cost $60. Tickets are available on the New Zealand Winegrowers’ website here.

To help support the cyclone recovery, the Hawke’s Bay event will be free of charge for New Zealand Winegrowers members. Due to the road conditions, we are working with Gisborne Winegrowers to provide round-trip transportation for Gisborne members. Find out more here.

We are looking forward to an exciting and informative event of knowledge-sharing and networking with the New Zealand wine industry.


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