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Bragato Research Institute

Bragato Research Institute leads quality research and innovation that enables the New Zealand wine industry to thrive — from blue sky research to the practical application of science in our vineyards and wineries. We are a wholly owned subsidiary of New Zealand Winegrowers, the national industry body for growers and wineries.

Our state-of-the-art Research Winery opened in February 2020 at the Marlborough Research Centre in Blenheim. From here, we partner with industry and other research organisations to set the national research agenda, trial world-first technologies, conduct commercial trials, and connect educators and students to science and industry.

Our Grapevine Improvement Laboratory is based at Lincoln University in Canterbury. The Grapevine Improvement team run our Sauvignon Blanc 2.0 programme, as well as several other grapevine projects and services. The Lincoln location allows BRI to collaborate with the university, other researchers and students.

Our vision

We are at the heart of an evolving, sophisticated wine innovation system. We drive New Zealand’s grape and wine research, innovation and extension so the industry can make better business decisions and ensure New Zealand remains renowned for its exceptional wine.

Our strategic pillars


We prioritise engagement with a diverse range of stakeholders to set targets and achieve impact for the New Zealand wine industry


We focus on and deliver research that fills knowledge gaps specific to New Zealand’s current and future winegrowing needs

Knowledge transfer

We create impact by effectively transferring new knowledge and translating knowledge from elsewhere to New Zealand conditions

Delivering value

Our business model captures value from research and grows leadership to ensure financial sustainability and reinvestment in research


New Zealand Winegrowers

New Zealand Winegrowers is a national organisation for the country’s growers and wineries. Established in March 2002, it is the only unified national winegrowers industry body in the world.

The New Zealand Winegrowers levy-funded research programme is delivered through the Bragato Research Institute and supports the New Zealand grape and wine industry to remain internationally competitive as the leading producer of premium quality wines.

To find out more about New Zealand Winegrowers and the industry, visit


Establishing a new research institute and the conception, design and build of a new research winery are significant endeavours. It not only took substantial funding but also a dedicated, skilled and focused team drawing on a broad range of expertise and experience. We thank the following sponsors for their continued support.

Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor

Founding Sponsor

Founding Sponsor

Looking to partner with us or leave a legacy for science? We have sponsorships available for the research winery and endowments available to fund future research. Contact us today if you want to partner with us in delivering world-leading innovation.

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