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The situation

New Zealand vineyard profitability has been in a long-term decline due to increasing production costs.

Our response

BRI is excited to announce the Next Generation Viticulture (NGV) programme, a seven-year project that aims to increase vineyard productivity, production and exports to improve the profitability of New Zealand’s premium-earning wines.

Next Generation Viticulture

The NGV programme will redesign New Zealand’s vineyard canopy management by modifying the grapevine training system and plantings to enable vines to intercept more light. The key will be identifying how to increase productivity without compromising wine quality or increasing inputs.

To deliver the NGV programme. Seven vineyards will be actively involved in the development and trial of new growing configurations, and winemakers will ensure that wine style and quality is maintained or enhanced.

The science

The programme builds on concepts developed in the New Zealand kiwifruit, pipfruit and stonefruit industries. It will also leverage Plant & Food Research’s experience with new apple and cherry production systems.

A vineyard with long rows of grapevines stretching into the distance under a clear blue sky. The ground is covered in green grass and scattered yellow flowers.


The Government is co-investing $5.6 million over seven years in partnership with New Zealand Winegrowers Incorporated and several vineyards, which are collectively investing $8.427 million in cash and in kind.

The importance of government support

Government investment will enable research and implementation at a pace and focus that wouldn’t be possible for the industry alone to achieve.

If you’d like to get in touch about Next Generation Viticulture, please reach out to BRI’s Viticulture Innovation Leader Ross Wise at

Next Generation Viticulture public summary reports

Public summaries

Next Generation Viticulture Programme FAQs


News and articles

Investigating alternative training systems to boost vineyard productivity – Flowering to harvest season 2022-23

Read more here
Rows of lush green grapevines stretch across a vineyard under a clear blue sky. The vines are supported by wires, with neatly maintained grass and soil in between the rows.

Investigating alternative training systems to boost vineyard productivity – The pilot phase of the Next Generation Viticulture programme

Read more here
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